Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Advertisement: LetGo Breastpump in da House~`

Assalamualaikum and Hi to All visitor,

We would like to dedicate a slot/ room for mothers who like to LetGo their used breastpump to advertise them on our website and of cause it is FREE OF CHARGE!!. What you need to do? Please email us at with required information as listed below:

  1. Picture of the let go breastpump
  2. Details/Description of the let go breastpump(Date of Purchase/Warranty/Condition)
  3. Contact Details(Name/Phone/Email)
  4. Special Notes(if any)
We will make a special post for your let go item and please note: All communication only will involve interested purchaser and you

We hope this will help mothers out there who are struggling to find forum or community to advertise their breastpump. Feel free to contact us should you have any question or doubt.

We are here to help!
Faheem's Wardrobe



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